About Us


Message From The Founder & Chairman

In Pestalozzi's words, "Education is natural, harmonious and progressive development of man's innate powers". The education gives us the power to control and guides us in the right direction. Education creates good citizens and helps our children to prepare for a better future.


At LPS we believe that education civilizes man by inculcating moral values and principles. Children need standards and clear philosophy of life, which distinguishes evil from good, and helps them to develop sound ideas and better vision of living out their social lives. Self-development is no doubt the most valuable intellectual development that we can give to our students. However, the importance of knowledge, scientific & analytical skills, vocational training and physical development are by no means of less significance.


Interest of those being taught is vital if knowledge has to be imparted. Mental development is not possible without active participation of the students. At LPS we recognize that education needs to be kept alive, engrossing and should be prevented from becoming inert which is a major problem in modern education. Education should awaken young minds and introduce them to the various facets of knowledge, evoke their imagination and creativity, as well as give students freedom to explore new vistas. Rapid strides in technology and communications have made it possible to enliven education and we have incorporated all available aids to make studies exciting and stimulating.Education also has a social aim of making individuals responsible towards society and themselves.


Education is not just a bundle of books or curriculum but also interaction with the world around us. The education given in class rooms needs to be assisted by practical demonstrations and real life experiences. Attitude & ability of the teacher, aptitude of the students, the immediate environs of the school, the infrastructure and facilities available are important factors when it comes to education and all round development of the students. We always endeavor to provide the best amenities to the students and our faculty which without doubt is well qualified for their role.


The journey on the golden path of education, as we envisage it, is without an end and only has glittering milestones.

Dr. S.P. Singh, Member of Parliament

Founder & Chairman


"Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals."

Message From

We are committed to bringing about excellence in education and overall development of the students. Our effort will be to develop intrinsic motivation in students, move to more students led activities so that they learn to be responsible for their words, actions & the work they do. We at our branch, ensure to provide a plethora of opportunities to our children, in the best possible environment by focusing on a child centric approach which respects each child’s choices and passion. We offer a range of opportunities for all the students to achieve excellence in academic, creative, social, cultural, sporting & community endeavors. Our branch provides a very enchanting environmental envelope for children to learn, grow and spread their wings. Conducive learning environments, innovative curriculum, engaging teaching methodology make learning easy and interesting to the students. We strive towards building a person who has respect for human values, can stand up for what is right, is able to accept both success and failure in the right spirit, has the ability to develop skills and techniques for self-improvement and has a thirst for knowledge.With the aim of fostering in students a positive attitude and set of value, life education and health education are immersed in the school curriculum and different extra-curricular activities are also taken up. Talks and workshops organized for the students instill good values in them. In addition, teachers also integrated these elements into their teaching and extra-curricular activities so that diversified experiences are provided to the students for a positive mindset.Besides this, staying updated is the key to success in any field especially in education. Our teachers constantly strive to stay updated by attending workshops and various training programs. The branch has produced several brilliant scholars who are selected in various engineering, medical & professional colleges of India as well. This branch is the dream project of great visionary our founder manager HON. Dr. S.P. Singh and we always try to impart academic excellence and sense of duty, discipline and above all moral and humanitarian values among students which is the need of time.




Message From
Vice Principal

Albert Einstein once said, “Education is not about learning of facts but training young minds to think.”  Academic excellence along with co-curricular activities has been the hallmark of LPS Gomti Nagar. We are proud to be a high performing school and the first choice for CBSE Board of all families within our community. We at LPS under the guidance and blessings of founder manager HON Dr. S.P. Singh are dedicated to provide catalytic impulses to each child, so that they can show their inherent learning competencies. We undertake the challenging tasks of moulding the young impressionable minds into valuable assets of the society. Our branch prepares the students for life and groom them to face the challenges of tomorrow. The aim is to create empowered minds so that students are able to decide what is good for them, differentiate between right and wrong, choose opportunities that help build them up and enable them to live in harmony with all existence. We, at ur branch ensure that the children in our school constantly grow to their full potential and bear responsibility in all walks of life. We are avid supporter of quality education. We use innovative techniques, child centric methodology for teaching, rich resources, engaging programs, counselling sessions, sports training sessions to promote student learning. With long and rewarding history of achievement in curricular and co curricular activities behind us, our school continues to move forward together with confidence, enthusiasm and pride. We always strive for excellence and ensure that each of our students leave school with the values of cooperation, duty, responsibility, respect and confidence. We always nurture our children with love and care and shape them to be a smart youth of today, as it is rightly said , ‘We know what we are, but know not what we may be.’


Mr. Satvir Singh


Mission & Purpose.

“Our mission is to empower our students to recognize and optimize their full potential; by fostering a family environment where educational, social, cultural, ethical and emotional needs are addressed through a holistic program, offered with the partnership afforded by staff, students and the community at large, to provide world-class education.”.


Cool Mentors




UP/India toppers


Years Experience